Friday, September 2, 2005

Whew...I'm Tired

I just spent the last 2 hours catching up with everyone's blogs. I was in Boston this week at a conference, so I didn't have constant access to a computer as I do at work and at home. A lot seems to have happened while I was least as far as blog posts go. But now I'm tired and I need to go to bed so I can get up at a decent hour tomorrow morning to pack up more of my apartment for the move.

So...coming soon to my blog (when I have a chance and in no particular order):
  • Musings on My Bon Jovi Obsession (as discovered at the conference)
  • Bean Town (and it's ego boosting men)
  • ...And Guest

9 Days until I get to see Peyton play live and in person...and I still haven't found anyone to go with me. I may have to take Jill and Sammie up on their offer for Sammie to go with me.


At 9/03/2005 10:02 PM, Blogger Shayna Willis said...

You just discovered your Bon Jovi Obsession? I can't believe everyone else knew before you! :-)

At 9/03/2005 10:05 PM, Blogger Leann said...

No, no, no...I just discovered another extremity of it that I will explain later. There are many facets to the obsession and I learn every now and then a new piece of it. I know I'm obsessed. It's the degree of obsession that continues to elevate. :)


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