Sunday, June 19, 2005

Things My Dad Taught Me

Today is Father's Day, and I hope everyone out there took a little time out of their day to remember and honor their fathers. Just like I have many "obsessions" in my life that I can attribute to my mother's influence, I have many "obsessions" that I attribute to my father as well. Here are the most important/most significant/most obvious ones I could think of (in no particular order).

Football, especially Alabama Football and Bear Bryant
The importance of Education and to never stop learning
Country Music (although I prefer the newer stuff and he likes the good ole' boys)
Meeting and learning about new people
Always having a half to a full tank of gas in my car
Regular oil changes and general car maintenance
Always having cash on hand...even if it's change
Being cautious with a little err of spontaneity
Orange Juice
Belgian Waffles with strawberries and whipped cream
Quantum Leap
Never giving up

So maybe it's a short list, but these are things that I LOVE/ADORE/OBSESS OVER and I can fully attribute their presence in my life to my father. Think about it...what things do you love that are a direct result of your father introducing you to them or teaching you about them?


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