Monday, January 9, 2006


I've put a link on the sidebar to Katherine's sister's Nelson page from her blog so that anyone who wants to keep up with his growth won't have to find my blog post about it to get to the link. The link will always be there.

There are some new pictures from this weekend up there. SO CUTE. The little man gets bigger every day! His little nursery page is up on the wall in the Seedlings classroom and his little Bible is all ready for him.

Murray and Jaime...Faith's is on the wall and her Bible is there, too...I'm all ready for her.
Brent and Kelli...Rachel's will probably be in there this Sunday.

And to both couples...I can't wait to meet your precious girls very soon!!! These 4 months will just fly by until they are old enough to be in the class!


At 1/10/2006 1:08 PM, Blogger Ellyn said...

Jeepers LeAnn!!! If I had known you were posting when their birth plagues were going to be on the wall, I would try to be more on top of things!!! AHHHH The pressure! Well obvioulsy not too much I am sitting here reading your blog at 1:04 on a Tuesday afternoon!

I guess I better get back to work and print off those plagues!

At 1/10/2006 1:23 PM, Blogger Leann said...

No pressure...I was actually impressed with how quickly they were put up there. I mean technically, you have like 4 months after their birth since they don't come to class until then.

But I did almost cry when I saw their little Bibles in my stack.


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