Thursday, September 22, 2005

Make Me Laugh

Every now and then I need to laugh. Ok so I'm one of those people that actually believes you should laugh (and really mean it) at least once a day. Tonight I'm having one of those on the verge of tears, why me again, when will it ever happen, I should have known better, way out of my league, etc. moments. And the words "Boys are stupid and have no idea how much they inadvertently hurt girls" keep running through my head. So, anyway...I need to laugh. Who wants to go first???


At 9/23/2005 9:22 AM, Blogger JavaBoy said...

Everytime I think of Milli Vanilli having to give back their Grammy for Best New Artist, that makes me laugh.

At 9/23/2005 9:31 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

When Katherine and I were little we had two beach towels. These beach towels had pictures kids had drawn. One of them had a dinosaur on it and said something along lines of "I like people with chocolate sprinkles." And the other favorite said something like, "Girls are wonderful! Girls are terrific! Boys stink!" Whenever I think of that towel (and who knows, Mom may still have it in a closet somewhere) it makes me smile.

I hope you have a better day today. Here's sending warm thoughts and wishes your way. :)

At 9/23/2005 9:44 AM, Blogger Leann said...

Jamison...I actually laughed outloud on that first one. It was too early in the morning for the second took me a minute to get it. But it ended up being funny, too! Thanks!

Sammie...If sadness or laughter persists because of Milli Vanilli memories, just blame it on the rain.

Dianne...that's hilarious. I think I need that towel for my new place. :)

At 9/23/2005 10:12 AM, Blogger Shayna Willis said...

And link to More Crappy kids art work at the bottom of the page. Beware the foul language. But it's so funny.

Plus, this isn't funny, but I love you and you're beautiful . . .

At 9/23/2005 11:00 AM, Blogger Leann said...

DIANNE! Did Jamison come that way or did you train him? If that was all you...I have to say way to go girl!

Thanks, Jamison for your words. They really helped...not the usual it'll work out eventually, more fish in the sea, there's someone even better out there for you stuff I hear all the time.

At 9/23/2005 11:04 AM, Blogger JavaBoy said...

i've never understood the whole "more fish in the sea" thing. what if you don't like fish?

At 9/23/2005 11:07 AM, Blogger Leann said...

Which in my case is seafood. :)

At 9/23/2005 1:21 PM, Blogger Leann said...

NICE, Jamison. I have to say...I'm quite impressed!

Shayna...I had to contain my laughter on the crappy kids art as to not disturb those around me trying to work on this lovely hot Friday afternoon. Thanks!!

At 9/23/2005 1:58 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yep. That's all Jamison. I didn't have to train him...he was that way when I found him.

Katherine says I should ask you about the donut guy?? :o) LOL

At 9/23/2005 2:03 PM, Blogger Leann said...

The donut guy. Katherine and I were at Shoppers last Friday night getting breakfast for the people helping me move last Saturday. My cart started to runaway while we were putting the donuts in boxes and this guy stopped it from going too far. I said thank you and he smiled at me. He was well dressed, so just because he didn't have a wedding ring on, your introverted yet bold sister wanted me to walk up to him and ask him for his number. Now she's convinced that I need to go back to Shoppers every Friday night at 9:30 and see if he's there, thus making me a stalker of everyday people and not just Bon Jovi.

At 9/23/2005 2:20 PM, Blogger Hannah said...

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At 9/23/2005 2:22 PM, Blogger Hannah said...

Sorry...that deleted comment is me. I forgot to edit before posting! ;)

I sent a wee bit of laughter to your gmail inbox. (Warning: hysterical laughter will ensue.) You can thank Anne for sharing. Enjoy!

At 9/27/2005 8:02 AM, Blogger Jacque said...

Just be glad you're not in a place where the men wear "wedgie" jeans. A most unfortunate clothing trend. You're not missing out.


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