Sunday, May 15, 2005

Things My Mother Taught Me

I suppose I'm a week late on this post, but better late than never, right?!?! Last Sunday was Mother's Day, and while I'm hoping that everyone out there took a little time out of their day to remember and honor their mothers, I thought I'd extend that a little. This past week I got to thinking about the "obsessions" in my life that I can directly attribute to my mother's influence. If I named them all, we'd be here for days, so I decided to pull out the most important/most significant/most obvious ones I could think of.

Southern Hospitality
North Carolina (in's probably my favorite state in the whole country)
North Carolina Basketball
Elvis Presley
Billy Joel
Music (in general, especially just a single piano)
The Importance of Education (formal or otherwise because let's face it folks, we never stop learning)
An Appreciation for the most underappreciated workers (besides moms)...TEACHERS
Lucille Ball (I Love Lucy)
Doris Day
Vincent Price (House on Haunted Hill and House of Wax)
Black and White movies
Paul Newman (I swear this man never ages, and I'm willing to stake money on it that those blue eyes get brighter every day)
Good grammar (my heartfelt apologies for any typos)
The Crockpot (anyone can be a chef with one of those gadgets)
Thank you notes
Thoughtful gift giving
Holiday decorating
Paying bills early
Magnets (if you've seen my should see hers)
Sales/Bargains/Coupons/Big Lots

So maybe it's a short list, but these are things that I LOVE/ADORE/OBSESS OVER and I can fully attribute my initial attraction of them to my mother.

Think about it...what things do you love that are a direct result of your mother introducing you to them?


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